- Trade name
- Yonkyu Co., Ltd.
- Representative
- Representative President Kouzo Kasaoka
- Locations
- 798-8691
2-318-235, Tsukiji-cho, Uwajima city, Ehime - Establishment
- 26 April, 1963
- Paid-in capital
- \2,187,615,000
- Operations
- Sale of Fresh Fish
Sale of Feed
Production and Sale of Farming Hatchling - Partner bank
- Iyo Bank
Ehime Bank
Kagawa Bank
Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Bank - Subsidiary Company
- Kaisyo Co., Ltd.
Yonkyu Transportation Co., Ltd.
Hiburijima Aquamarine LLP
Western Japan Yoman Co., Ltd. - Affiliated Companies
- Fishery Cooperative and farmers in the whole country
National Central Wholesale Market
Since our establishment in 1961, we have been approaching farming business aiming conversion from “catching-fishery” into “raising-fishery”.
On April 26 in 2013, we reached 50 years since our foundation.
At the time of our establishment, we had started by selling feed of farming fish. Since then, we expanded our business into stocking, selling and processing business of farming fish and artificial hatching business to meet farmer’s needs.
We established the base of business aiming stable supplying of safe and sustainable farming fish.
In 1993, we advanced into Stock Listing and farming business of tuna and eel. We became company which support farming business comprehensively.(?)
We are always pursuing stable supplying of safe, sustainable and delicious fish by standing in consumer’s view and distributing to development of marine products industry in 21 century.
We are going to pursue ultimate “safety and sustainability”, “freshness”, “network” and “branding”.
Thank you for your continuous support. (/ We are looking forward to working with you.)

Cooperate History
Foundation and Establishment of the base
- April, 1963
- Established Shikoku Rapid Freezing Co., Ltd. for the purpose of selling feed of farm-raised fish
- October, 1974
- Opened Department of Fresh Fish
- March, 1975
- Established Shikoku Feed Selling Co., Ltd. in Sukumo city, Kochi for selling fishery feed
- August, 1978
- Established Shikoku Fishery Co., Ltd.in Uwajima city, Ehime for selling fresh fish

Expansion and development
- July 1982
- Established Yonkyu Transportation Co., Ltd. in Uwajima city, Ehime for delivering fresh fish
- May, 1985
- Opened head factory and started manufacturing moist pellets
- August, 1986
- Opened Kagoshima Office in Tarumizu city, Kagoshima
Advanced into Southern Kyushu district - December, 1987
- Opened second refrigerated warehouse of head office and Fresh Fish Processing Factory
- January, 1989
- Opened Tokyo Sales Office of Shikoku Fishery Co., Ltd. and Misaki Office
Advanced into Kanto district - April, 1990
- Shikoku Rapid Freezing Co., Ltd. had merged with Shikoku Feed Selling Co., Ltd. and Shikoku Fishery Co., Ltd.
- June, 1991
- Changed trade name to Yonkyu Co., Ltd.
- January, 1993
- Opened Kamae Seedling Center, Kamae, Saeki city, Oita
- October, 1993
- Over-the-counter registered stock to Japan Securities Dealers Association
- April, 1994
- Opened Fresh Fish Processing Factory in Miura city, Kanagawa (authorized)
- November, 2000
- Opened Head of Fresh Fish Processing Factory
- December, 2004
- Listed stock to JASDAQ
- June, 2005
- Opened Osaka Sales Branch
- November, 2008
- Opened Hiburijima Aquamarine LLP in Uwajima city, Ehime with Hiburijima Fishery Cooperative and advanced into tuna-farming business
- June, 2011
- Subsidiary Kaisyo Co., Ltd.
- February, 2012
- Cooperated capital and business with Uoriki Co., Ltd.
- September, 2012
- Opened Western Japan Yoman Co., Ltd. In Uwajima city, Ehime and advanced into eel-farming business
- March, 2015
- Opened Western Japan Yoman Sosi Office in Sosi city, Kagoshima